Saturday, July 21, 2012

Next Step?

Still no luck in the job department. My current job asked me if I would stay as head teacher in September. They know I'm looking for a teaching job for September, I suppose they are assuming I won't find one.  What woman with a Masters degree would settle for a $10 an hour job when there is much more out there? Come on, a certified teacher {in two specialties} as a daycare worker? Ugh. What is this economy coming to! 

Not this small!
This is do-able
My honey is still not ready to talk about moving out, but I guess you can't blame him when he know that my money situation is not as great as his. The newest idea is moving into the {unused} upstairs half of his grandfather's home. That would involve putting in a kitchen and doing a bunch of remodeling, but there is a ton of space up there and a full bathroom.  I'm looking online for some inspiration on how to add a small kitchen on a small budget.  I know we will have to go with laminate counters and in-stock cabinets, but I just want to have enough space to cook! I love cooking and can't wait to cook for myself like when I was away at college. My honey loves my cooking too. So for now it's just brainstorming and finding out my own information until he realizes its time to make some moves.

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